More People, More Active, More Often
More People, More Active, More Often

Mastering Midlife for Women

Mastering Midlife for Women

Exercise, Nutrition & Menopause

We are delighted to announce that Meath LSP will be hosting a Mastering Midlife for Women this Autumn. We all know the benefits of exercise & nutrition for maintaining life-long health but for Midlife Women hormonal change can sometimes make it difficult to continue with a normal exercise routine and two big questions are continually asked “Why has exercise become so hard” and “Why have I gained weight?” This inclusive 4-hour workshop covers a range of topics to make exercise easier for midlife women and help prepare for a life long involvement in sport and physical activity. 

“Why has exercise become so hard” and “Why have I gained weight?”

There is no one answer to this question, the answer lies in figuring out our menopause jigsaw of HRT (optional), specific exercise, specific nutrition and self-care. When all the pieces in the jigsaw join that is where the magic happens, and we get back to feeling like ourselves again.

Irene Clark (Midlife Coaching Professional) will host the 4 hour online workshop Mastering Midlife for Women over 2 evenings. The workshop is ideal for all women from 35+ years, who are wondering how peri-menopause and menopause is affecting them mentally and physically and how making small changes can increase energy levels, improve sleep & mood and decrease weight gain. Cost is €20.

This programme is taking place on Wednesday 16th and Wednesday 23rd October from 7pm-9pm. This is a 4-hour workshop taking place over two evenings.

Click Here to RegisterREGISTER

The workshop includes information on the following: 

Hormones – understanding menopause and midlife…. ‘It’s not me it’s my hormones!’

  • How hormonal health impacts us
  • Effects of Menopause on our muscles & bones
  • Why it happens, recognising symptoms and how to take control of menopause.
  • What are the main symptoms?
  • HRT Risks & Benefits
  • How lifestyle impacts menopause


  • Answering the big question ‘why does exercise feel so hard’
  • Making exercise choices – how do different types of training benefit you
  • What strength training really is (and isn’t)
  • Why am I always injured?


  • The importance of recovery
  • What recovery is (and isn’t)
  • Effect of ageing and hormones on recovery
  • Stress Management  


  • Why am I doing everything ‘right’ but gaining weight? (Joining the dots between menopause, exercise, nutrition)
  • Why are we craving foods?
  • How do we nourish our bodies before, during, and after exercise?
  • How do I increase my protein intake?
Woman with her hands in the air